Saturday, March 14, 2015

What Do You See?

"Change the way you think and change your world."

This quote is true on so many levels. If you consistently see yourself as a "loser" or any other negative image, you will never look at yourself as a positive influence, or in any positive light. It will also weaken you and make you easier to control. EX: If you see yourself as ugly, and you're told that using a product, regardless of how bad it is for you, will make you pretty, you will use that product without consciously thinking about it. This goes with your life and dreams and goals too. Maybe we think we just can't do better than where we are? But, maybe if we thought we could, we would.

Do you ever look at people and wonder when they settled? Surely at some point they had a dream and a goal. At what point did they get "stuck" in a job they didn't want to do? Why did they stop chasing those dreams? And if they stopped doing that, why would YOU take their advice? Would you take relationship advice from someone who has a terrible marriage? I'd hope not.

It seems like every single time I meet someone, they are insecure about something. Which is understandable given western culture and how media etc. make you feel. Feelings let us know what we are thinking. Can you imagine how many times a person has been shot down or made fun of because of a small, cute little quirk that they have that when they do it around you, they apologize for it? They apologize for being themselves instead of embracing who they are.

I have heard many times the power of looking in the mirror and imagine the type of person we want to see staring back. If you look in the mirror and the first thing you notice is what is wrong with you, or what you haven't done or any negative emotion, maybe it's time to change the way you think. It is NEVER too late to change your life. Sometimes that means really taking a good look at yourself and sometimes making sacrifices, sometimes big ones. If you are not happy with who you have looking back, and you're not where you want to be, what do you need to do to get there? Imagine the person you want to be and be honest with what you want, not what other people think you should want. Who would you be? What would you do? If you write it out, and say it every day, twice a day until you believe it....what do you think is going to happen? You've been hating on yourself for years and it hasn't worked. Try loving yourself and see what happens.

When you first start this exercise, you're going to have a lot of negative self doubt and self talk in your subconscious if that is how you have always thought. But, if you start feeding yourself positive and create a positive self image and fill your head with positive emotions, you will start seeing yourself in a positive way, start thinking positive, retrain your brain to notice positive things, gain confidence, strength, power and positive things will happen in your life.

Every successful person on this planet has said this. It is not a secret.
"Change the way you think and change your world."

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