Everything in the universe is made up of energy frequencies.
I've heard this so many times; the "power of positive thinking", "It's all about attitude", "You are what you think about", "Watch your thoughts, they become your words, words become actions, actions become habits, habits become character, character becomes destiny.", "How successful people think". I've read it in many books and scientists have proven how each thought triggers an emotion which is the root of all things. Emotions let us know what we are thinking.
I recently read a book called "Emotional Intelligence" by Donald Goleman in hopes to learn more about the subject on how to control those emotions (and if I can do that, I can control my thoughts) to lead to more positive reactions and thus, positive results. It talked about this theory and at what stages in life we learn which emotions such as, empathy, why some people lack empathy, and how everything in life is a matter of whether you understand emotions in other people or not. You can read all the books in the world and be an incredibly book smart but if you cannot read emotions and understand emotions in others you will not be successful because everything in life is a result on how you feel and what you think and if you can learn to control this, you can be and will be successful.
After reading this book I was recommended a booked called "Anatomy of a Spirit" by Caroline Myss which was a great insight into the 7 chakra's and the spirit's power over the physical world and that by taking control of your life and doing what feels right can produce amazing results that transform your life. Your body is made entirely of cells. When you have a negative thought, it's been proven to trigger a negative energy frequency that effects your body in a negative way. Everyone knows it's important to eat healthy and take care of your body (and of course that is part of first chakra - our basic needs.) Everyone also knows that when you take care of your basic needs, you feel good. When you feel good, you trigger positive frequencies which bring you a positive life.
You become what you eat; you become what you listen to; you become what you fill your head with; you become what you feel. If you fill your mind with average thoughts, average things, average people, you will have an average life. If you want a life full of adventure, you will have it. If you focus on positive things, you will get positive things. No matter who you are, where you come from and what has happened to you in the past. I'm sure you've heard "I am not what happened to me, I am who I chose to become" before? The truth is, we all have a past. Bad things have happened to all of us, but if we sit there and dwell on these things, we will never become better. We will simply attract those negative things in our life because that's what we think and feel we always were and always will be. But that's just who you were, not who you are and only you can change that.
This is why I emphasize dreaming and believing. You have to keep dreaming big things and believe that somehow, it will all work out, with all your heart and it will. Your faith must be bigger than your fear and you have to trust the signs. You don't need to see the whole staircase just take a step. Everyone that ever wanted anything had no idea how they were going to get there. But they had the courage to dream it and were shown a way.
The trick: Don't concentrate on what you don't want. ex: "I don't want pain" because you will get it (because that's what you are focused on). Focus on complete tranquility and tranquility will come into your life. If you want love, focus and believe in love so much and love will come to you. Be thankful for what you do have and don't focus on what you don't have. If you want something bigger, dream it, believe it and achieve it but don't dwell on not having something as that creates negative energy that will deflect your dream and you will get exactly what you already have.
Think and feel positive and positive things will come to you. Pay attention to how you feel because that will tell you how you think. Pay attention to the signs and be brave enough to follow them. You are not what happened to you, you are who you chose to become. Be thankful. Dream big, live free, have faith, change your life.
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